Spring Time Detox

The end of March and the end of the first quarter of 2024. Can you believe three months have passed so far this year? Tomorrow I start detoxing for three weeks as part of Hannah Levin’s Spring Detox Program. I first joined Hannah’s Detox Program in the Fall of 2022.

Detoxing is good for the liver and a good practice for our bodies to clear out all the gunk consumed over winter and especially during the holidays. I had such a positive experience with Hannah’s Fall Detox I signed up for her Vitality Circle Program to deepen my experience learning Ayurvedic practices. I lost 10 pounds during the detox and while I was hangry part of the time, ultimately I learned I need to drink a lot more water during the day and not snack between meals. At the end of the program I felt more clarity and focus and my energy was even. No more crashes after eating or during the day.

Spring is also a time to be outside in the orchard pruning trees to set them up for good air circulation as well as removing dead wood before buds start to open. It feels like Spring is a good time to focus on clearing out, cleaning up and noticing what has occurred over the winter. The apple and pear trees have a lot of new growth on them. We’ll see how it goes this year. Last year all of the trees were affected by a hard frost on May 23rd. Time will tell what happens this year.

Also, I have been writing morning pages when I get up each morning. This week I completed another notebook covering January through March. Three months and about three pages a day. I find the practice helpful for clearing my mind before sitting down to meditate each day. If you’re looking for a way to calm your mind before the chaos of your day ensues, I highly recommend a morning writing and meditation practice. It helps me clear my mind and focus on breathing. I feel grounded and balanced to start my day.

Bula and Kepler. My morning meditation partners.

Melissa Jennings

I am creating a life of abundance by leaning into possibility.


Trust Your Desire


Light Returns, Letting Go